KEEP Clean When Using the Laser Marking Machine

Doing a good job in the daily cleaning of the laser marking machine can not only improve the processing effect of the product, but also extend the service life of the equipment

A customer from Bulgaria bought our cllaserJPT60W wide-range laser marking machine for keyboard erasind and keyboard light transmission printing. After one year of use, he found that the keyboard was not as clean and transparent as before. After communicating with the customer, he found that the workers who operated the keyboard marking in their workshop sealed all three directions with cartons when marking, which allowed the dust generated during varnish to slowly invade into the lens, This led to a camera strike, making the marking not-enough clean. After finding this problem, i told he customer wipe it with microfiber and glass cleaner, just like magic, and the effect will be exactly the same after using it again! The customer was very satisfied and thanked us for helping him find the reason.

Therefore, when using the laser marking machine, we should pay attention to keep it clean, so that we can use the laser marking machine of our cllaser to have a longer service life and better marking effect.

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